Monday, May 14, 2012

ESD Proposal Letter

Now that you have had a chance a to look at one of the issue related to ESD we want to write a formal letter to one of the main players or stake holders who control the issue you studied.  In your letter identify what you feel is the issue,  pose a possible solution that considers all three pillars of the ESD Model (environment, social, financial) and how you would be willing to assist with this.  Your letter should consist of at least 5 paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - outlining the issues and a doable proposal - formally written i.e. Dear Mr.....
Introductory paragraph should mention ESD and who you are and why you are looking into this issue
Paragraph 2 - outline the environmental benefits of your solution
Paragraph 3 - outline the economic benefits of your solution
Paragraph 4 - outline the social benefits
Paragraph 5 - Summarize your plan and state how you might be able to help


2 pts. for each paragraph

Each paragraph should have a topic sentence and then followed by supporting statements, information or arguments. The paragraphs should clearly explain the pillar of ESD you are discussing and the overall plan improve this area in order to successful implement and ESD change.

Total Score -  /10

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