Monday, January 30, 2012

Unit 2 - Stress - Portrait of a Killer - Assignment #1

Instructions for Video Assignment

  • In the video Stress - Portrait of a killer there are several themes related to stress and stress research. Each scene in the movie has its own themes and are listed below. Write a paragraph summarizing the theme of each scene. To give you an example of what I want I have summarized the introduction for you. The paragraph need only be three or four sentences long but it needs to capture the important information from the video.
  • You may watch the video on your computer with head phones or as a group with the class. You can decide this with your teacher. They will have the final say. You will be held accountable for the work I have left for you so do not waste your time.
  • Copy the material below and post it in your blog. Then write the paragraph for every scene listed below.

Scene Selections

Introduction -The introductory scene of this video shows how daily stress affect us. It talks about the original purpose of stress was to protect but now it has become the "scourge" of our lives. Stress can harm us in many ways according to scientific studies. It can kill brain tissue, adding fat to our bodies and harden our arteries. Stress can be lethal.
  1. A Hunch - write a paragraph for all of these scenes
  2. Survival
  3. Control
  4. Rank
  5. Ulcers
  6. Dangerous Fat
  7. Scars of War
  8. Ageing
  9. A Remedy
  10. Conclusion
Rubric for this assignment

/10 for completion of all 10 paragraphs

/10 for coherently summarizing the theme of each scene in the movie. Marks will be deducted for the inability to discus the main theme in each scene.

Total Score /20 (A&P, K&U)

You can watch the entire video on Youtube

Enjoy the video, it is very interesting and hopefully will inform some of your decisions about how to better manage stress.

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