Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nutrition Analysis Assignment

Inputting Nutritional Data

You will need to enter in all of the food you have eaten for 1 weekday and 1 weekend day. The food logs for each of these days should be complete and typical of your eating patterns for each day, so don't use days that are not typical (big parties or days when you are fasting) . The program "Fitday" will analyze the nutritional content of the food you eat. You want to see what your nutritional habits look like on a typical day and what the difference is between your weekday and weekend eating habits.

To Do:

Create an account on /5

  • Input Foods consumed for two week day and two weekend days
  • Input activities done, fill in your profile

Reports Generated /5
  • Calories Chart
  • %-RDA/AI Graph
  • Calorie Balance
  • Copy (screen shot work best) for each of these reports for one weekday and one weekend day and post into your blog (6 total)
Write a paragraph of for each graph stating what the information in the graph represents in relation to your eating habits. i.e. what does the graph tell you about your weekday calorie intake? Why is it like that? Identify any irregularities you might have (too high or too low). /10

You will need 7 paragraphs total. One for each of the graphs and one to compare the weekend and weekday dietary differences. Do you eat better during week or on the weekend? why? What influences your dietary decisions and what could you do to improve your diet overall.

Grade /20

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