Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nutritional Analysis Assingment

Inputting Nutritional Data

You will need to enter in all of the food you have eaten for 1 weekday and 1 weekend day. The food logs for each of these days should be complete and typical of your eating patterns for each day, so don't use days that are not typical (big parties or days when you are fasting) . The program "Fitday" will analyze the nutritional content of the food you eat. You want to see what your nutritional habits look like on a typical day and what the difference is between your weekday and weekend eating habits.

To Do:

Create an account on www.fitday.com /5

  • Input Foods consumed for two week day and two weekend days
  • Input activities done, fill in your profile

Reports Generated /5
  • Calories Chart
  • %-RDA/AI Graph
  • Calorie Balance
  • Copy (screen shot work best) for each of these reports for one weekday and one weekend day and post into your blog (6 total)
Write a paragraph of for each graph stating what the information in the graph represents in relation to your eating habits. i.e. what does the graph tell you about your weekday calorie intake? Why is it like that? Identify any irregularities you might have (too high or too low). /10

You will need 7 paragraphs total. One for each of the graphs and one to compare the weekend and weekday dietary differences. Do you eat better during week or on the weekend? why? What influences your dietary decisions and what could you do to improve your diet overall.

Grade /20


/10 points (AP)

Select a partner to work with. Use this site to help with the questions:


Select a packaged food and find the label online. I could be your favourite snack or something you like as treat. With the assistance of the internet food label guide (link above), answer the following questions on your food’s label. These questions should give you a good idea of the nutritional value of your food.

What is your food product?
1. What is the serving size?
2. How many servings per container?
3. How many calories per serving?
4. How many calories are from fat?
5. What percentage of each serving’s calories comes from fat?
(Do the math yourself.)

6. What is the total fat percentage of your food?
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
7. What is the saturated fat percentage in your food?
Is this content Low/High?
8. How much of your diet should come from saturated fats?

9. What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?

10. What is the percentage cholesterol in your food?
Is that Low/Moderate/High
11. How much sodium is in your food?
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
12. What is the carbohydrate content of your food?
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
13.What is the sugar content of your food?
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
14. Why are sugars not good for you?

15. How much fiber is in your food?
16.Why is fiber good for you?
17. How much protein is in your food?
Is this content Low/Moderate/High?
18. What is the Vitamin A , Vitamin C, Calcium, and Iron content of your food?
Vit. A -
Vit. C -
Calcium -
Iron -
Are these amounts adequate?

19. Overall, what would you say is the nutritional value of your food? Would you consider this food to be nutrient dense (lots of nutrients) or empty calories (calories but not many nutrients) Why or why not?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Illegal Drug Assignment

In class we are now covering substance use. You will notice that any substance that is not directly intended to nourish a body will create some form of problem. This goes for caffeine as well as nicotine, as well as alcohol and most certainly applies to the "hard drugs" that are illegal in most forms. There are a number of types of drugs characterized largely by either their source (narcotics, for example, are largely derived from poppy flowers) or by their effect on the body (e.g. ecstasy is a stimulant).

We ask that you all - with a partner - use the NIDA link on this website to identify a drug classification (group) that you would like to focus on. You can focus on it with the information you find on NIDA alone, or you can supplement that information with other (appropriate) sources. The specific information you need to know is the following:

  1. What is the definition of this drug classification (characteristics)
  2. What are a few examples of drug that come under this classification
  3. What is the psycho-active (mood altering) ingredient in this drug if any?
  4. Short-term effects of that drug.
  5. Long-term effects of that drug. Be sure to include physiological effects on the body.
  6. Street names for that drug.
  7. Pictures of what that drug looks like.
  8. How that drug is taken.
  9. Statistics related to that drug (example: % of teenagers using in 2008)
  10. An interesting/fun fact about the drug.
  11. Overall analysis (in your own words) related to how dangerous you think this drug is. What are the dangers of this particular drug? In your analysis include what you think are the reasons a government would make this drug illegal (under some or all circumstances).
  12. If you used additional sources than the NIDA link, you need to cite your sources appropriately.

Though you are both working on the same drug classification, you will both need to put this on your blog as a post. It can be the identical post, if you want, or you can personalize it if you want.


Presentation/Creativity/Interest 5/5

Content -5/5

Total Score- /10

· Information presented clearly and concise

· Visually appealing or interesting

· Both Partners shared in preparation work and presentation

· All information required was completed fully and documented

· Interesting facts were also included and discussed


· Information was fairly well presented but at times a little disjointed or confusing, clarifying questions were required

· Visually it was easy to read but not overly interestingly or creatively displayed

· One partner did more work or presented more than the other

· Most information required was completed fully and documented

· Some interesting facts were also included


· Information was not well presented i.e. difficult to follow, not clear, hard to understand

· Visually there was no creativity, not interesting to look at or follow

· One partner appeared to do all the work and most of the presentation.

· Some information required was missing and not documented

· Very few interesting facts were also included
